Top Of The Week

The 6 Essential Nutrients for Good Health and Their Sources

Water is essential for good health, making up 45 to 75% of our body. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the...

Understanding the Two Classifications of Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are essential for the body to function properly. They are organic substances that are divided into...

Is it Safe to Take Supplements Every Day?

It's true that there can be too much of a good thing, and any excess, be it vitamins, supplements, or foods, can cause...

The Best Supplements Everyone Should Take

Unfortunately, about 41.6 percent of Americans don't get enough essential vitamins and minerals. So how do you decide...

The Best Supplements for Kidney Health

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a general term for any condition that causes kidney damage and reduces kidney function...

What is the Best Multivitamin in the World?

When it comes to finding the best multivitamin, it can be difficult to know which one to choose. With so many brands and...

Recent Post

The Benefits of Taking Supplements: A Comprehensive Guide

Vitamins and minerals are essential for the body to develop and function properly. While most people can get the...

Can I Take Vitamin Supplements on Keto? A Comprehensive Guide

Are you considering a ketogenic diet and wondering if you can take vitamin supplements? You're in luck! Multivitamins are ...

What are five 5 health benefits that vitamins provide?

When you don't get enough vitamins, your body has to work harder to do simple tasks, which can lead to fatigue and other...

Are You Taking Too Many Supplements? Here's How to Know

Excessive consumption of supplements can lead to a range of unpleasant side effects, such as nausea and vomiting,...

Is it Safe to Take Vitamin Supplements Every Day?

Most supplements are generally safe to take, but there are exceptions. Excessive amounts of calcium and vitamin D can...

What do supplements do for the body?

Common supplements include vitamins, minerals, and herbal products, also known as botanicals. People take these...

Herbal Supplements: Are They Recognized by the FDA?

The FDA does not have the authority to approve dietary supplements for safety and effectiveness, or to approve their...

Do I Need Supplements on a Keto Diet?

The ketogenic diet eliminates several food options, making it a wise choice to supplement it with specific nutrients....

Editors Picks

Do Doctors Recommend Supplements? An Expert's Perspective

Do Doctors Recommend Supplements? An Expert's Perspective

Your doctor may be able to prescribe a supplement if you're taking a medication that has the potential to deplete a...

Do Supplements Really Make a Difference?

Do Supplements Really Make a Difference?

When it comes to supplements, it's important to remember that they should be used to supplement a real deficiency, not to ...

A Comprehensive Guide to Different Types of Supplements

A Comprehensive Guide to Different Types of Supplements

Minerals, botanicals, botanical compounds, and amino acids are all types of dietary supplements that many adults and...

5 Supplement Combinations You Should Avoid

5 Supplement Combinations You Should Avoid

Taking supplements can be beneficial for your health, but it's important to be aware of the combinations you should...

Types of Supplements: An Expert Guide

Types of Supplements: An Expert Guide

Supplements are ingested and come in many forms, such as tablets, capsules, softgels, powders, sticks, gummies, and...

Do Vitamins Need FDA Approval?

Do Vitamins Need FDA Approval?

Vitamins and nutritional or dietary supplements can be beneficial to health, but they can also pose health risks. The...