Gwendolyn Krammer

Gwendolyn Krammer

Wannabe pop culture ninja. Sushi buff. General travelaholic. Zombie guru. Hipster-friendly bacon practitioner. Subtly charming tv maven.

105 Author´s Articles
The Ultimate Guide to the Best Supplements for Optimal Health

The Ultimate Guide to the Best Supplements for Optimal Health

When it comes to maintaining optimal health, there are certain supplements that can help you reach your goals. A good...

Are Supplements Good or Bad for You?

Are Supplements Good or Bad for You?

Are supplements good or bad for you? This is a question that many people have, especially those who are looking to...

What is the Best Supplement Company?

What is the Best Supplement Company?

When it comes to choosing a trustworthy vitamin and supplement brand, there are many factors to consider. It is important ...

What Are the Side Effects of Taking Too Many Supplements?

What Are the Side Effects of Taking Too Many Supplements?

Taking certain types of vitamins can cause a variety of gastrointestinal problems, according to Dr. David Poppers, a...

Understanding Dietary Supplement Labeling Regulations

Understanding Dietary Supplement Labeling Regulations

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations require that dietary supplement labels include a descriptive name of the...

What are the health benefits of vitamins and supplements?

What are the health benefits of vitamins and supplements?

Vitamins and minerals are considered essential nutrients because, acting together, they perform hundreds of functions in...

What are Dietary Supplements Used For?

What are Dietary Supplements Used For?

Dietary supplements are substances that can be used to add nutrients to your diet or reduce the risk of health problems,...

How to Ensure the Safety of Dietary Supplements

How to Ensure the Safety of Dietary Supplements

When it comes to dietary supplements, it's important to make sure that they are safe and effective. To ensure that a...

A Comprehensive Guide to Different Types of Supplements

A Comprehensive Guide to Different Types of Supplements

Supplements are an important part of many people's daily routine in the United States. From vitamins and minerals to...

What are the Regulations and Guidelines for Dietary Supplements?

What are the Regulations and Guidelines for Dietary Supplements?

Dietary supplements are products intended to supplement the diet and are different from conventional foods. They come in...

How to Improve Kidney Health with Supplements

How to Improve Kidney Health with Supplements

Kidney health is essential for filtering waste and water from the blood, as well as for eliminating waste and excess...

What vitamins do you need to take daily?

What vitamins do you need to take daily?

Alphabetically first (and almost as important) is vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) ...

What do supplements do for the body?

What do supplements do for the body?

Common supplements include vitamins, minerals, and herbal products, also known as botanicals. People take these...

The Dangers of Taking Too Many Supplements

The Dangers of Taking Too Many Supplements

Taking too many vitamins, minerals and supplements can be hazardous to your health. While many people safely consume...

Do Supplements Really Benefit the Body?

Do Supplements Really Benefit the Body?

Most people don't need to take vitamin supplements to get the essential vitamins and minerals their body needs. Eating a...

What Are Supplements and How Can They Help You?

What Are Supplements and How Can They Help You?

Supplements are products that are intended to supplement the diet. They come in pill, powder, or liquid form and are...

Supplements when fasting?

Supplements when fasting?

So what are the 7 best intermittent fasting supplements and how to use them? Let's go deeper. Making sure your diet is...

The Most Important Supplements for Optimal Health

The Most Important Supplements for Optimal Health

Studies have shown that deficiencies in certain areas can lead to a variety of health issues. To ensure you are getting...

The Benefits of Taking Supplements on a Keto Diet

The Benefits of Taking Supplements on a Keto Diet

For years, fat and salt have been wrongly demonized, while sugar has been over-consumed. However, salt is an essential...

The Most Popular Supplements for Health and Wellness

The Most Popular Supplements for Health and Wellness

Vitamin supplements are expected to increase to 14% by 2024, with B vitamins as one of the most sought-after products on...

Can I Take Multiple Supplements at Once? An Expert's Perspective

Can I Take Multiple Supplements at Once? An Expert's Perspective

Taking multiple supplements at once may not be the best idea. While it is possible, it can reduce absorption and cause...

The Benefits of Vitamin and Supplementation for Optimal Health

The Benefits of Vitamin and Supplementation for Optimal Health

Vitamins and supplements are an important part of maintaining optimal health. They can help to increase collagen...

Can Iron Supplements Help Treat Anemia?

Can Iron Supplements Help Treat Anemia?

Iron supplements can be an effective way to treat anemia caused by low iron levels. They can produce results faster than...

Understanding the Two Classifications of Vitamins and Minerals

Understanding the Two Classifications of Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are essential for the body to function properly. They are organic substances that are divided into...

Herbal Supplements: Are They Recognized by the FDA?

Herbal Supplements: Are They Recognized by the FDA?

The FDA does not have the authority to approve dietary supplements for safety and effectiveness, or to approve their...

The Most Popular Supplements in the US: What You Need to Know

Our bodies need certain nutrients to function properly, and while it's possible to get them from food, many people turn...

Is it Safe to Buy Supplements Online?

Is it Safe to Buy Supplements Online?

When it comes to buying supplements online, it's important to be aware of the risks. Sources such as the World Health...

Can I Take Vitamin Supplements on Keto? A Comprehensive Guide

Can I Take Vitamin Supplements on Keto? A Comprehensive Guide

Are you considering a ketogenic diet and wondering if you can take vitamin supplements? You're in luck! Multivitamins are ...

What Iron Supplement is Best for Anemia?

What Iron Supplement is Best for Anemia?

Ferrous sulphate is an iron supplement that can be used to treat iron deficiency anemia. It is often prescribed when...

When is the Best Time to Take Supplements?

When is the Best Time to Take Supplements?

When it comes to taking supplements, timing is everything. It depends on the type of vitamin and what your healthcare...

What Vitamins and Supplements Can Help You Lose Weight?

What Vitamins and Supplements Can Help You Lose Weight?

Weight loss is a combination of diet and exercise, but there are certain vitamins and supplements that can help...

What is the Most Common Type of Dietary Supplement?

What is the Most Common Type of Dietary Supplement?

Our bodies need certain nutrients to function properly, and one of the best ways to get them is through dietary...

Is it Safe to Buy Supplements Online?

Is it Safe to Buy Supplements Online?

Shopping for supplements online can be a risky business. Many of the same issues that plague Amazon also apply to other...

The Best Supplements for Optimal Health

The Best Supplements for Optimal Health

When it comes to overall health, there are certain supplements that can help you reach your goals. Multivitamins, fish...

The Risks of Taking Supplements: What You Need to Know

The Risks of Taking Supplements: What You Need to Know

Taking supplements can be beneficial for your health, but it is important to be aware of the risks associated with taking ...

Do vitamins break ketosis?

Do vitamins break ketosis?

Vitamins and minerals are inherently pure compounds and, therefore, should not interfere with ketosis. It's completely...

Why Herbal Supplements Are Not Approved by the FDA

Why Herbal Supplements Are Not Approved by the FDA

In general, the FDA merely enforces post-marketing regulations because, unlike drugs that must demonstrate their safety...

Are Supplements a Waste of Money?

Are Supplements a Waste of Money?

More than half of American adults take vitamin and mineral supplements, but the USPSTF says that for non-pregnant,...

The Dangers of Taking Supplements: What You Need to Know

The Dangers of Taking Supplements: What You Need to Know

Taking supplements can be beneficial for your health, but it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated...

Do I Need Supplements on a Keto Diet?

Do I Need Supplements on a Keto Diet?

The ketogenic diet eliminates several food options, making it a wise choice to supplement it with specific nutrients....

Understanding the Recommended Daily Nutrient Intake

Understanding the Recommended Daily Nutrient Intake

Nutrition is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, and understanding the recommended daily nutrient intake is key to...

The Ultimate Guide to the Best Supplements for Optimal Health

The Ultimate Guide to the Best Supplements for Optimal Health

A good quality multivitamin is one of the most important supplements for optimal health. Fish oil supplements provide the ...

The Benefits of Taking Dietary Supplements

The Benefits of Taking Dietary Supplements

Many adults and children in the United States take one or more vitamins or other dietary supplements. In addition to...

Are Dietary Supplements Safe to Take in High Doses?

Are Dietary Supplements Safe to Take in High Doses?

Combining several supplements or taking higher doses than recommended may increase the risk of potential harm, according...

What is the FDA's Role in Dietary Supplements?

What is the FDA's Role in Dietary Supplements?

The FDA does not have the authority to approve dietary supplements for safety and effectiveness, or to approve their...

The Benefits of Taking Supplements: A Comprehensive Guide

The Benefits of Taking Supplements: A Comprehensive Guide

Taking dietary supplements can be a great way to fill nutritional gaps in your diet and achieve specific wellness goals....

What Essential Vitamins and Supplements Do You Need Daily?

What Essential Vitamins and Supplements Do You Need Daily?

Nutritionists recommend that everyone should take a multivitamin supplement to ensure they are getting the essential...

How Many Supplements is Too Many? An Expert's Perspective

How Many Supplements is Too Many? An Expert's Perspective

Vitamins and minerals are essential for good health, but it is possible to consume too much. Taking too many supplements...

The Benefits and Risks of Taking Supplements Daily

The Benefits and Risks of Taking Supplements Daily

Most people are aware that taking supplements can be beneficial for their health, but it is important to understand the...

What supplements cause kidney stones?

What supplements cause kidney stones?

Taking 1 gram of vitamin C a day (the amount found in many immune supplements such as Emergen-C's Immune+ Plus) can...

What Supplements Should You Take Daily for Optimal Health?

What Supplements Should You Take Daily for Optimal Health?

Vitamins and minerals are essential for optimal health. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of vitamins and minerals is ...

Types of Supplements: An Expert Guide

Types of Supplements: An Expert Guide

Supplements are ingested and come in many forms, such as tablets, capsules, softgels, powders, sticks, gummies, and...

Can Vitamin Supplements Cause Kidney Problems?

Can Vitamin Supplements Cause Kidney Problems?

Vitamins are generally considered safe, but taking too much of certain vitamins can cause problems, especially if you...

What is the most sold supplement?

What is the most sold supplement?

The most popular supplement in the U.S. In the US it's vitamin D, and 66% of consumers choose to buy it.

The Impact of Dietary Supplements on Health and Wellbeing

The Impact of Dietary Supplements on Health and Wellbeing

Dietary supplements can be beneficial for overall health and help manage certain health conditions. Folic acid, for...

What age group takes the most supplements?

What age group takes the most supplements?

Adults aged 20 years and over, 57 to 6% used a dietary supplement in the past 30 days, and use was greater among women...

How Many Supplements Can You Safely Take?

How Many Supplements Can You Safely Take?

Most people think it's okay to take whatever they want, but the truth is that there is a limit to how much you can safely ...

The Best Supplements for Optimal Health

The Best Supplements for Optimal Health

Optimal health is essential for a healthy and happy life, and one of the best ways to achieve this is through the use of...

The Ultimate Guide to Vitamins for Optimal Health

The Ultimate Guide to Vitamins for Optimal Health

When it comes to maintaining optimal health, taking a good quality multivitamin is one of the most important steps you...

The Ultimate Guide to Daily Supplements: What You Need to Know

The Ultimate Guide to Daily Supplements: What You Need to Know

The human body needs a variety of vitamins and minerals to stay healthy and function properly. Knowing which supplements...

Discover the Largest Vitamin Company in the US

Discover the Largest Vitamin Company in the US

Are you looking for the largest vitamin company in the US? Look no further! In this article, we will explore the top...

Supplements when trying to conceive?

Supplements when trying to conceive?

Antioxidants such as folate and zinc may improve fertility in both men and women. They deactivate free radicals in the...

What Causes Kidney Stones: Supplements, Medications, and More

What Causes Kidney Stones: Supplements, Medications, and More

Kidney stones are hard deposits composed of minerals and salts that form inside the kidneys. They can be caused by a...

What is the Best Multivitamin in the World?

What is the Best Multivitamin in the World?

When it comes to finding the best multivitamin, it can be difficult to know which one to choose. With so many brands and...

5 Supplements Everyone Should Take for Optimal Health

5 Supplements Everyone Should Take for Optimal Health

By taking these supplements, you can help keep your body regulated and minimize health problems throughout your life. A...

The Benefits of Vitamins and Minerals: A Comprehensive Guide

The Benefits of Vitamins and Minerals: A Comprehensive Guide

Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients that the body needs in small amounts to function properly and stay healthy. ...

The Benefits and Risks of Taking Supplements Everyday

The Benefits and Risks of Taking Supplements Everyday

Taking supplements every day can be beneficial for some people, but it is important to understand the potential risks and ...

The Benefits and Risks of Taking Supplements: An Expert's Perspective

The Benefits and Risks of Taking Supplements: An Expert's Perspective

A balanced diet is usually enough to provide the nutrients your body needs. However, supplements can be beneficial in...

Which Form of Supplement is Best Absorbed?

Which Form of Supplement is Best Absorbed?

Did you know that more than half of Americans aged 20 and older take dietary supplements? In fact, 80% of women aged 60...

What Supplements Do We Really Need?

What Supplements Do We Really Need?

We all want to stay healthy and make sure our bodies are getting the nutrients they need. But with so many supplements on ...

The Difference Between Vitamins and Minerals: A Comprehensive Guide

The Difference Between Vitamins and Minerals: A Comprehensive Guide

Vitamins and minerals are micronutrients that are essential for the body to perform its normal functions. While they are...

When supplements work?

When supplements work?

Generally speaking, the more severe a vitamin or nutrient deficiency is, the faster you'll notice the difference when...

When is the Right Time to Take Supplements?

When is the Right Time to Take Supplements?

Nutritional supplements are a great way to get the vitamins and minerals your body needs, but when is the right time to...

The Best Vitamin Supplements for Kidney Health

The Best Vitamin Supplements for Kidney Health

Maintaining kidney health is essential for filtering waste and water from the blood, as well as for eliminating waste and ...

The Dangers of Vitamin Overdose

The Dangers of Vitamin Overdose

Vitamins are essential for our health and wellbeing, but taking too much of them can be dangerous. Vitamin overdose...

Who Should Take Supplements and Why?

Who Should Take Supplements and Why?

When it comes to supplements, it's important to be skeptical and do some research to make sure that the ingredients...

Understanding the FDA's Classification of Dietary Supplements

Understanding the FDA's Classification of Dietary Supplements

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates dietary supplements differently from conventional foods. The Federal...

Who Takes Dietary Supplements and Why?

Who Takes Dietary Supplements and Why?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates dietary supplements differently than conventional foods. Generally, if a ...

The Three Most Important Supplements for Optimal Health

The Three Most Important Supplements for Optimal Health

Studies have shown that deficiencies in certain areas can lead to a variety of health issues. To ensure that your body is ...

Will supplements damage kidneys?

Will supplements damage kidneys?

What's even more alarming, over-the-counter medications, common prescriptions, and nutritional supplements can have...

What are the Different Types of Dietary Supplements?

What are the Different Types of Dietary Supplements?

Dietary supplements are products manufactured to supplement the diet by taking a pill, capsule, tablet, powder or liquid. ...

What is the most important supplement to your body?

What is the most important supplement to your body?

The role it plays in so many bodily functions and the staggering number of people who are deficient in it make vitamin D...

What Supplements Should Not Be Taken Together?

What Supplements Should Not Be Taken Together?

Many people take dietary supplements to improve their health, but it is important to understand which vitamins and...

Do You Need to Take Supplements Every Day?

Do You Need to Take Supplements Every Day?

Supplements can be used to get the recommended daily amount of vitamins and minerals your body needs for optimal health....

Are vitamins hard on the liver and kidneys?

Are vitamins hard on the liver and kidneys?

Even at high doses, most vitamins have few adverse effects and do not harm the liver. As with medications, taking high...

What are the Benefits of Dietary Supplements?

What are the Benefits of Dietary Supplements?

Many adults and children in the United States take one or more vitamins or other dietary supplements to improve their...

Where to Buy the Best Vitamins and Supplements Online

Where to Buy the Best Vitamins and Supplements Online

When it comes to buying vitamins and supplements online, there are a lot of options available. Amazon is a great choice...

Do You Really Need Supplements for Optimal Health?

Do You Really Need Supplements for Optimal Health?

Most people don't need to take vitamin supplements and can get all the vitamins and minerals they need if they eat a...

6 Different Types of Nutritional Supplements Explained

6 Different Types of Nutritional Supplements Explained

Nutrition is essential for a healthy lifestyle, and many people turn to nutritional supplements to help them get the...

Do Vitamins Need FDA Approval?

Do Vitamins Need FDA Approval?

Vitamins and nutritional or dietary supplements can be beneficial to health, but they can also pose health risks. The...

The Dangers of Taking Too Many Supplements

The Dangers of Taking Too Many Supplements

Vitamins and minerals are essential for good health, but taking too many supplements can be hazardous. Routinely...

Which Supplements are Scientifically Proven to be Beneficial?

Which Supplements are Scientifically Proven to be Beneficial?

A comprehensive overview of supplements and their medical use is essential for understanding which ones are...

The Best Supplements to Lower Blood Pressure

The Best Supplements to Lower Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a serious health condition that can lead to heart disease, stroke, and other serious health...

Herbal Supplements: What You Need to Know About Potentially Dangerous Herbs

Herbal Supplements: What You Need to Know About Potentially Dangerous Herbs

Herbal supplements are widely used as medicines, but they are not regulated by the FDA like prescription and...

The Most Important Supplements for Optimal Health

The Most Important Supplements for Optimal Health

When it comes to optimal health, there are certain supplements that are essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle....

The Risks of Taking Too Many Supplements

The Risks of Taking Too Many Supplements

Combining several supplements or taking higher doses than recommended can increase the risk of harm. It is possible to...

Can Food Supplements Replace Healthy Foods?

Can Food Supplements Replace Healthy Foods?

Foods contain many beneficial substances, such as phytochemicals and fiber, which promote good health and cannot be...

Can Too Much Vitamin and Nutritional Supplement Cause Hair Loss?

Can Too Much Vitamin and Nutritional Supplement Cause Hair Loss?

It is true that taking too much vitamin and nutritional supplement can lead to hair loss. In addition to an excessive...

Which Vitamins Should Not Be Taken Together?

Which Vitamins Should Not Be Taken Together?

Taking vitamins is an important part of maintaining good health. However, there are some vitamins that should not be...

Can Supplements Cause Diarrhea? An Expert's Perspective

Can Supplements Cause Diarrhea? An Expert's Perspective

It is true that routinely consuming an overload of vitamins and minerals can be detrimental to your health. Too much...