The Ultimate Guide to Vitamins for Optimal Health

When it comes to maintaining optimal health, taking a good quality multivitamin is one of the most important steps you can take. Fish oil supplements are also beneficial for providing the body with essential fatty acids. Vitamin D is especially difficult to get from diet alone, so supplements are often recommended for adults. The form known as vitamin D3 is usually recommended, but D2 is also effective; for best results, take vitamin D along with a meal that has some fat.

If you're unsure if you need this supplement, request a blood test; levels of at least 30 nanograms per milliliter are considered the best. Vitamin D is important for bone and tooth health, as well as nerve impulses, heartbeats, muscle contraction, and more. Calcium supplementation is even more important for postmenopausal women, as the rate of bone loss accelerates in the 5-10 years after menopause. Magnesium is also essential for muscle and nerve function, and it plays an important role in regulating blood pressure, blood sugar, and more. You'll often find magnesium and calcium in the same supplement, and sometimes it also includes vitamin D3. Since calcium and magnesium compete for absorption, try taking them separately for better results. Vitamins C and E have been studied for their potential roles in cancer prevention and treatment.

High doses may affect certain cancer treatments. Supplements containing a mix of antioxidants, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids may help slow down age-related eye diseases (ARED).Vital Proteins adds vitamin C to its collagen powder to increase collagen synthesis. This vitamin is also hard to find in foods, so it's recommended to look for this ingredient in your multivitamin. Most preparations provide only 400 IU of vitamin D, much less than the 800 to 1000 IU currently used. Despite their iconic status, there is no evidence that multivitamins improve health and well-being or prevent disease.

In fact, high doses of vitamin A increase the risk of hip fractures, and high levels of vitamin A have been linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer; beta-carotene increases the risk of lung cancer in smokers; and vitamin E increases the risk of prostate cancer and has been linked to increased respiratory infections, heart failure and the overall mortality rate. If you think your diet lacks certain vitamins or minerals, your doctor may recommend a blood test to confirm. Many factors limit the body's ability to convert sunlight into vitamin D, including limited exposure to the sun during the winter months, older age, darker skin pigmentation, and the use of sunscreen and clothing that protects the skin from the sun. Nordic Naturals recommends taking the supplement with food, as vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is better absorbed with healthy sources of fat in the diet. Nordic Natural's non-transgenic product has been tested by third parties to ensure that you're getting the highest quality vitamin possible that meets strict manufacturing standards. In addition, some specific stages of life require greater vitamin and mineral needs, such as before and during pregnancy, so supplements may be recommended.

Taking a good quality multivitamin along with fish oil supplements can help ensure that you're getting all the vitamins and minerals you need for optimal health.

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