What is better vitamins or supplements?

Experts recommend that healthy people get their vitamins and minerals by eating nutrient-rich foods instead of taking supplements. Few studies show a clear relationship between supplement intake and disease prevention, unless those diseases are caused by nutritional deficiency. It's best to improve your diet before using supplements, advises Dr. That's because vitamins and minerals are most potent when they come from food. In foods, they're accompanied by many other beneficial nutrients, including hundreds of carotenoids, flavonoids, minerals, and antioxidants that aren't found in most supplements.

Plus, foods taste better than supplements and are generally less expensive. For people who are unable to make dietary changes or for those who have genuine deficiencies in one or more nutrients, a supplement may be helpful. Look for a multivitamin with B-complex vitamins (especially folic acid), vitamin D, iron, magnesium, and calcium. Choose a well-known brand that has been around for a long time and has probably been carefully tested, says Dr.

Research indicates that most of the vitamins you get from the foods you eat are better than those in pills. Even though the vitamins in supplements are synthesized with the exact chemical composition of natural vitamins, they don't seem to work as well. However, it's important to try to get vitamins from whole foods before turning to dietary supplements. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans indicate that nutritional needs should be met primarily through diet, although they can be supplemented with vitamins if they cannot be met with food alone.

1.When vitamins are taken in supplement form, they are introduced into the body at levels that could never be reached with the healthiest diets. This could be because vitamins and minerals in foods are also influenced by other components of the food, not just the “active ingredient”. Foods are a complex source of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals (plant chemicals), all of which work together. Feeling pressured doesn't automatically lead to vitamin deficiency, so taking a vitamin supplement won't necessarily make feelings of stress go away.

Many people mistakenly believe that since small amounts of vitamins are good for your health, large amounts must be better. Remember to report any complementary medications (including vitamin and mineral supplements) you are taking when you visit a healthcare professional. Vitamins in food are accompanied by other non-essential but beneficial nutrients, such as carotenoids and flavonoids. Folic acid is a B vitamin that is also found in some fortified foods, such as bread and breakfast cereals.

Talk to your healthcare provider or pharmacist: Some vitamins may interact with medications you are currently taking. It may be easier to simply take vitamins or supplements to replace what you lack in your diet instead of worrying about what you eat. While taking a general “broad spectrum” vitamin and mineral supplement “just in case” poses few health risks and may benefit a person whose diet is restricted and lacks variety, taking vitamin and mineral supplements instead of following a nutritious diet is not recommended. With all of this in mind, some people might consider taking a vitamin supplement on a regular basis.

It is generally believed that taking megadoses of certain vitamins acts as a medication to cure or prevent certain ailments...

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